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Here is why your Content Marketing Campaigns Aren’t Converting!

admin - July 30, 2019 - 0 comments

Do you know what most of the digital marketers are doing?

They are finding out the best keywords, analyzing competitors, building backlinks, and posting content consistently.

Do you think this is enough? Well, this is enough to rank, not convert.

Most of the marketers are worried about ranking their websites on the first page of Google. And few know the art of converting traffic into leads or sales.

If you’re getting a lot of traffic without getting conversions, you’re in a terrible situation.

Let’s tell you why?


Content isn’t Always the King

You may have seen marketers saying the first rule of content marketing is , “content is the king.”

Content Stellar Blog Image

Of course, content is the king for marketers. For experts, it isn’t. Expert marketers believe in content makers.

It doesn’t matter whether you are hiring a video creator, content writer, copywriter, or any content creator; you should choose your content creator wisely.

Now, the question is – what kind of content creator do you need?

Okay, before knowing what you need, first recognize what you don’t.

You don’t need that type of creator who is passionless and doesn’t take his work seriously.

You need an artist who is passionate, energetic, creative, and innovative. They make better content than those who waste their time gaining favoritism from their bosses. Yes, real artists never bother to present themselves best. Their work itself explains.

Remarkable content creators don’t only make content but also make a funnel out of it. They creatively set the game using their mindset for a lucrative content marketing .

Let me tell you about one of the greatest bloggers and marketer, Neil Patel. In one of his YouTube videos, he told a freelance writer, “You miss meetings but you’re the one who sends emails at 3 a.m. And you know what? It’s the weirdest hours.”

“Yes, because I stay more productive at midnight.” Writer replied.

Neil Patel didn’t care about the schedule. He cared about the creator’s work style. The creator’s sincerity towards the content quality made him accept such hours.


Since childhood, colors have been our major distraction. It’s a challenge for a person to resist vibrant colors like orange, yellow, and sky blue.

Microsoft has claimed that a person can’t focus for more than 8 seconds. And it’s reasonable to say that we don’t grab everything in the market. We often choose 1 out of 10.

Are you getting it now? We have to choose such graphics that make us become the top choice.

An award-winning advertising company, MDG Advertising once declared, “articles with amazing images tend to get 94 percent more total engagement.”


“Those who work hard at the backstage get heed at the front end.”

What makes your company so unique? Have you ever worked extra to achieve the authority?

World’s richest person, Jeff Bezos did this. He offered a fast lightning delivery for products that any other eCommerce platform couldn’t do.

Here’s the chart of Amazon’s success. The company made 232.89 billion U.S. Dollars in 2018.


Source: Statistica


Here’s a simple concept. When we fall sick, we listen to the medic instead of listening to our friends. When the car breaks down, we take the mechanic’s help instead of our friends.

Are you noticing the pattern? It’s a human tendency to search for an expert and authorized service provider with goodwill.

“Customers believe due to authority and expertise.”


According to Spiegel Research Center, it appears that nearly 95 percent of customers read online reviews.

If your website doesn’t have positive reviews, you may lose plenty of revenue.

Content Stellar Blog: Reviews

Have you ever heard about the Bandwagon effect?

Customers believe other customers.

It’s a simple psychological theory which depicts that people follow the crowd. Your reviews will affect the market tremendously. If your products have positive reviews, you will gain more customers. If don’t, you may lose customer acquisition.

  • Representation
  • Service
  • Product

these three can help you get compelling reviews. If anyone of these goes wrong, the quality of reviews diminishes.


Some online marketers are earning low, and some online marketers are earning high. The only difference between these marketers is persuasion.

Back then, marketing was simple. There were no navigation capabilities. Now, some funnels help marketers convert cold leads to hot buying customers.

Those who understand the art of making funnels achieve huge profits. They analyze customers’ behavior, test, and ultimately scale.

Target Audience

It’s not easy for a marketer to sell pens to an untaught. On the other hand, if you sell the same pens to any learned person, you will make sales.

See! This is what a normal marketer does.

Do you know what we would do?

We would make the audience super targeted. Instead of focusing on the well-educated audience, we would drive our focus to students. Not every knowledgeable person uses a pen, but every student does.

Back then, it was easy to apply this tactic through various online marketing channels & platforms. Today, it has become a bit complex because of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which was coined recently due to the Facebook data breach chaos. Almost every country within the European Union or other countries dealing with the European Union faced the update.

Marketers had the freedom to utilize Facebook Pixels without the consent of customers.

At present, we need permission to track them which is not anything to sulk about though. And the method still has some potency.

You can also get targeted visitors of your choice using Google AdWords. Let’s say we’re selling a pen, and the keyword is

– “Best pen for exams.”

All those students who have arrived on the website and have accepted the cookie policy can be retargeted using Facebook Pixels.

While applying this method, make sure that you make an attractive policy box to get acceptance from customers. Some great service providers can help you get consent.

Let’s Convert

Whatever we’ve mentioned require skills. If your company lack skills, you need experts. Such experts who can create content, make astounding graphics, build authority, gain good reviews, and make hot funnels; which is indeed  a content marketing done right!

At ContentStellar, we aim to provide a one-stop solution for your conversion. Feel free to get in touch with us here.





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